Friday, 9 November 2012

A Casual Vacancy

As a massive Harry Potter fan, I was intrigued to see what J.K. Rowling's newest offering would be like. Like her previous novels, A Casual Vacancy looked daunting, a tome of over 500 pages. For much of these 500 pages not a lot happens, even in spite of the novel opening with a death. (Note: this is not a spoiler and can be found in the blurb.)

Focussing on a small town in the west of England, much of the novel seems to be building up towards the denouement, which when it eventually comes is fast paced and exciting. There can be no doubt cast on the fact that Rowling is a wonderful writer. Like Thomas Hardy before her, Rowling sets the scene beautifully, slowly creating a back drop to her story. Rowling brings her characters to life and takes her time to creates a vibrant picture of life in a small community, alike in Hardy's Tess or The Woodlanders.

However, at times it feels like Rowling is throwing all she has into this novel, dealing with themes such as domestic violence, racism, bullying, sexual abuse and drugs. These themes, although interesting, seem perhaps slightly too much for one book and one small west country town. This said, J.K. Rowling presents us with a microcosm of society and challenges us to face several moral dilemmas and ask ourselves, 'what would I do in this situation?'. Beware, the answers to these questions mightn't be pleasant.

Although a slow burner, this novel is well worth persevering with. However, be warned, like the dementors of Harry Potter, there are many dark elements to A Casual Vacancy making it at times quite depressing.

I bought a new notepad, woo!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Literary Sisters

With 3 sisters of my own, the portrayal of sisters in literature is something I've always found interesting. Here are a few of my top literary sisters:

The Marches, Little Women: It's hard not to adore Louisa May Allcott's Little Women, arguably the most loving of all these sets of sisters. At times they seem like a family unit within themseleves, with Meg acting as a mum and Jo as a dad. They all play their parts as sisters well, Meg as the responsible eldest sister, Jo the outgoing, loud yet fiercly protective one, Beth quiet, caring, shy (and sickly) and Amy the spoilt youngest. (This is in no way a metaphor for me and my sisters...)

I still have the same hair and love of peter pan collars...
Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, The Sweet Valley Twins: Elizabeth and Jessica, despite being twins, are complete opposites. Elizabeth bookish, academic and career-minded, whilst Jessica thinks mainly about boys, clothes and being popular. In spite of their differences and some sibling rivalry, deep down they're the best of friends and are always there for each other through various scrapes they seem to get themselves into. Undoubtably the series, which according to Wikipedia spans over 100 books, is pure cheese but it remains a classic for millions of girls of the late 80s and 90s. Myself included.

The Lisbons, The Virgin Suicides: Shown only through the eyes of the boys who loved them, at first sight the Lisbon sisters seem like your average group of siblings. But as one by one they commit suicide it quickly becomes apparent that all is not as it seems. Quite what drives them each to end their lives remains unknown. However, despite what must be a deep rooted unhappiness in each of them, perhaps somewhat due the strict ruling of their parents, the strong ties of sisterhood remain, each keeping the others secrets and perhaps even to some extent all commiting suicide as some sort of unspoken pact.

Cecilia and Briony Tallis, Atonement: As the novel opens, Cecilia and Briony are shown to have a stereotypical relationship where the younger looks up to the older one. However, this doesn't last long and over the course of one evening their relationship changes beyond repair. Through Briony's young imagination and foolish lies she condemns both Cecelia, and esentially also herself, to a life of unhappiness and regret. As the story unravels it becomes clear that no amount of repentence can repair the damage done be the 11 year old Briony. Although she does give Cecelia the happy ending that she so tragically stole from her in 'real-life', it's all too little too late and the Tallis family is torn apart forever.

Running with the Christmas themed photos.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Five Fictional Friends

Whilst reading I often decide I either want to be or want to befriend characters. Were they real, of course!

Here are just a few on my list: 

Elizabeth Bennet - Pride and Prejudice: We could go for walks, talk books and she could introduce me to Mr Darcy's rich friends. Perfection.

Emma Morley - One Day: In spite of her many flaws, Emma Morley is one of my favourite characters of all time. There are certain similarities between myself and her: both aspiring writers, share a love of literature, Scrabble and France. My real-life best friend even joked on seeing the film that they could have based the character on me. However, the same is likely to be said by millions of women around the world. For these reasons, were she a real person I would happily attempt to befriend her. Perhaps ever so slightly narcissistic of me.

Bernard - Not Now Bernard: Nobody has any time for little Bernard. Not only does he deserve a friend but also a protector from monsters.

Marty - The Woodlanders: In true Hardy style, life is tough for poor Marty. During the course of the novel she loses a tree, her hair, her father, her home, her job and the love of her life. I reckon she could do with a friend.

Neville Longbottom - Harry Potter: By the final book Neville had gone from geeky classmate to unlikely hero. Definitely someone worth having around, even if just to kill Basalisks.

Sunday, 12 August 2012


I love books. I also love lists. So, in an attempt to revive my blog I’m going to combine the two. Beware, there may be some spoilers.

The Hit List

Over the past few years I’ve been compiling a mental list of literary characters I believe are deserving of a slap. Perhaps a sign that I get too emotionally involved in things that aren’t actually real… From friendly ‘knock some sense into’ them slaps to a full on punch in the face, some characters have an ability to get under your skin. Here are just a few of the characters that have topped my list:

Briony Tallis - Atonement: If little 13 year old Briony had told the truth, things could have been very different. Granted it wouldn’t have made for one of my favourite novels of all time but it would have saved a LOT of tears.

Pip – Great Expectations: Don’t get me wrong, I love Pip so this slap would be a friendly, ‘sort your life out, mate’ one. Hopefully he’d then stop being so mean to Joe and realise that Biddy is so much better than Estella.

Catherine – Petite Anglaise: She buys her affair underwear from Monoprix. Need I say more?!

Edward and Florence – On Chesil Beach: It might have been a good idea for Ed and Flo to talk about their sexual preferences before getting married. Apparently this hadn’t occurred to either of them and so ensues a wedding night from hell. Someone should have definitely banged their heads together. 

Daisy Buchanan – The Great Gatsby: Yeah, she might be beautiful and Gatsby might love her but seriously, make a decision: Gatsby or your cheating husband? And if you’re going to run people over you should really take responsibility for it! Poor old Gatsby.

Pinned Image

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Books, Glorious Books

As an English graduate actually being able to choose what I read is still somewhat of a novelty. So, now I can theoretically create my own reading lists, I thought I'd take a few minutes to influence yours!

I've just finished reading Caitlin Moran's How To Be a Woman and think it might be one of the best books I've read in a long time. I found it honest, funny and moving and it left me wanting to shout 'I am a Feminist' at the top of my voice whilst dancing around the house to Independent Woman by Destiny's Child, because I did indeed buy the shoes on my feet! Always a sign of a good book. In a slight shift, the next book I've moved onto is 50 Shades of Grey... I'm blaming a combination of hype and peer-pressure. Next, I'm tackling Anna Karenina. Eek!

In other book related news, I recently went on a mini tour of some of London's independent book shops. This perhaps doesn't sound like the most exciting way to spend a Saturday but I enjoyed myself, at least. Plus, we saw a contestant from The Voice! What more could a girl want?!

Persephone, Dickens and my purchases

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Me again!

Hello Readers, most of whom probably stumble upon my blog by accident! I've been talking about starting up my blog again for a while now and as my friend Jess has recently updated hers I thought it time I bit the bullet. As many of my friends will know I do actually write all the time, however much of it I deem unblogworthy and so it never leaves the pages of my notebook. Yep, I still do writing with a pen and paper! 

Anyway, since my last post I have started a 'be a grown-up' initiative which has seen me get a new job and move away from home. All very exciting! But that's enough about me. The main reason I came on here is that it's Father's Day next weekend and I've suddenly come over all sentimental and wanted to write about my dad. Aww/puke. Fortunately, he doesn't know I've got a blog so probably won't ever see this.

So, here we go...

Yesterday, I finally got round to going to the Museum of London for the penultimate day of the Dickens and London exhibition with one of my sisters. Our love of Dickens unquestionably stems from our dad who even on my lastest visit home got me to read an extract from his tattered copy of 'Sketches by Boz' for no apparent reason.

Just to prove I went.

Growing up I often heard my mum say 'you're just like your father', mostly after having said something sarcastic and to be honest at the time this really annoyed me. But now I'm able to see the truth in it and am actually quite proud of it, as my dad is one of the only men, if not the only man, I've ever really been able to rely on and look up to. (At the age of 23 I don't think this is really something I should be too worried about, however, if I am still saying this in twenty years time I think it might be cause for concern!) Of course, he has faults (again, many of which I might have inherited) but overall he really is the most decent of men: caring, funny, generous and intelligent.

Me and my parents at Graduation.

As children we tend to think our parents know everything and although over time we find out this isn't strictly true, there isn't much my dad doesn't know. Because of him I know lots of useless facts which have come in handy in pub quizzes from time to time. I think our parents shape the people we become and I know that for better or for worse my dad has hugely influenced the person I am today. Because now, as a semi-grown up, I see in myself snippets of him and (maybe let's not tell him this) it's not too bad! 

Right, that's probably enough sentimentality for a while. Hopefully, it won't be another 6 months before I next write.