Yesterday, I finally printed my dissertation; an activity that I thought blog worthy! I’m so relieved that after 2 whole years I can finally forget about it, although now that I can’t actually change anything I’m more worried than ever, a major concern being that it is in fact rubbish. In the past week I have also set myself to reading 6 novels, which unsurprisingly hasn’t gone too well, so far I’ve managed 3 and a half... And despite many exam related nightmares and sudden panics that I’m going to fail, I still don’t seem to be able to sit down and concentrate for any longer than 20 minutes at a time!
Anyway, besides revision I’ve not really been doing very much, hence the fairly lengthy gap between posts. Highlights of the last week have been: watching Arsenal vs Liverpool at the pub (my favourite bit being when Kenny Dalglish swore at Arsène Wenger), drinking wine at regular intervals, listening to ‘every number 1 of the 90s’, seeing a man who looked a lot like Ian Beale and going to see Red Riding Hood. I’m extremely grateful that the film version of the story wasn’t the one that I was told as a child! I have also continued with cooking as a means of procrastination, this week making a couple of quiches. The next thing I plan on baking is a chocolate and Diet Coke cake, which sounds so wrong but as they are two of my favourite things I’m seeing this marriage in cake form as being only a good thing. However, as it is still Lent I can’t actually make the cake yet. So, come Sunday morning, in between Easter egg hunts (yep, I am 22 and we still do this) and eating as much chocolate as is humanly possible, I will be baking this (hopefully) delicious cake. I’m assuming nobody else in my family will even be willing to try it, so I will no doubt be taking the rest back to Reading for my extremely lucky friends to try. Something for them to look forward to!
Books and Chocolate. Still not sure why my mum bought 12 Easter eggs. |