Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A Productive Afternoon

Sometimes the lengths to which I go to put off doing work surprise even me.  I do such pointless things that require so much more effort than it would take to just sit down and do some revision. With this in mind I thought it the opportune moment to share some of my top time wasting tips:

1) Spend stupid amounts of time on Wikipedia. I am now an authority on Kevin Bacon, Ally McCoist, Angela Lansbury, Stephen Fry and colour blindness.

2) Look for holidays, even if you have no intention of going anywhere. I've taken to looking for ‘UK getaways’.

3) Go for a daily stroll to the shop, even if you don’t actually need anything. I came back with 2 x 4 pints of milk the other day... Apparently we drink a lot of tea.

4) Cook. Doesn't even matter if you’re not hungry. I find that you get a great sense of achievement from baking a nice cake, so if you’ve not achieved anything revision-wise at least you've got that to fall back on!

5) Make elaborate post-exams plans. So far I’m making a gunge tank, going back to Lyon, visiting all the places in Reading I've always wanted to go to but never have i.e: the casino, Great Expectations and The Granby, and reading all the books on the BBC's ‘The Big Read' book list – only 75 to go.

And if all else fails, start writing a blog! Genius.

Bird's-eye view of my desk. Just to prove that I have, in fact, been doing some work.

1 comment:

  1. You can't beat going to the casino after a heavy night in Q Bar.
