Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Careers, Crafts and Cakes!

This week I had my first interview for a proper grown-up job. Unfortunately the interview was different from what I had expected, lasting an hour and consisting of psychoanalysis tests and a numerical and verbal reasoning test. Seeing as I often do word games for fun it shouldn’t have been too difficult, however, it was. I think it’s probably safe to say that the job hunt continues. So, to save myself from spiralling out of control and into a pit of drinking, gambling and unsuitable men, which is apparently what happens to the unemployed (see Jeremy Kyle), I have been keeping myself busy with baking and making stuff in the hope that I stumble across something that I’m actually good at and can make a career out of. I've not yet found what that thing is but I'm confident it's only a matter of time...

Wall hangings: easily mistaken for the works of a 10 year old.
Luckily July is quite a big one for family birthdays so the cakes I've been making haven't been a complete waste. They have also prompted my sister to ask me to make her wedding cake. It's quite a compliment but I'm thinking that as it gets closer to the time she'll change her mind.

 An attempt at some manly looking blue cakes.
Anyway, fingers crossed I find a job soon because at this rate it won't be long till I'm obese.

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